Oatmeal Stout

Grain Bill / Fermentables

  • 10 lbs 2 Row Pale Malt
  • 8 oz Crystal 120
  • 8 oz Black Roasted Malt
  • 8 oz Chocolate Malt
  • 4 oz Black Patent Malt
  • 4 oz White Wheat
  • 4 oz Carapils
  • 1 lb Flaked Oats
  • 8 oz Quaker Rolled Oats


  • 1.5 oz Northern Brewer (8.7  AAU)
  • 1 oz British Kent Goldings (5.1 AAU)


  • Lallemand Nottingham
  • Mangrove Jack’s M36

Target Stats

  • 6 Gallons
  • OG 1.061
  • FG 1.014
  • ABV 6.20%
  • IBU 45.61
  • SRM 36.42

Final Stats

  • 7.5 Gallons
  • OG 1.062
  • Mangrove Jack’s M36
    • FG 1.020
    • ABV 5.51%
  • Nottingham
    • FG 1.018
    • ABV 5.78%
  • Efficiency 95% (I really like overnight mashing. 🙂 )

Brew Day (2018-06-17)

Heat 10 gallons of water to 161°.  ( Unfiltered Dover city with chlorine removed via agitation and UV exposure.)

Gently dough in grains until all grain is covered by water.

Mash grains overnight, starting at 155°.

Remove “grain bag“, rinse, squeeze and allow grains to drain.

Bring wort to a boil.

Once wort is boiling, add 1.5 oz Northern Brewer hops and continue for 54 minutes.

Add whirlfloc and yeast nutrient and continue boil for another 4 minutes.

Add 0.5 oz Northern Brewer and 1 oz Kent Goldings hops and continue boil for another 1 minute.

Reduce wort temperature to 68° and take OG reading.

Sufficiently aerate and transfer to primary fermenter.

Pitch yeast starter into fermenter.

Allow beer 2~3 weeks in the primary to adequately ferment and cleanup any diacetyl produced during fermentation.

Keg and allow beer to age for 1~2 months.

Bottle and wait another 2 weeks or keg and carb.



  • June 17, 2018 Brew Day
    • Mashed in at 11:15 PM on June 16th. Mash pH was 5.22 and did not require the addition of any citric acid. This is my first attempt at an overnight mash.
    • Temperature was 141° the next morning at 6:15 AM. \o/
    • Boil started, complete with boil over, at 7:00.
    • Brew and cleanup complete by 10:00 AM.
    • Due to the large volume, I split the batch into two fermenters and pitched two different yeasts, M36 and Nottingham. Both were pitched into 74° wort and placed in the 65.8° fermentation chamber in water filled, brew kettle heat sink.
  • Brew day, 10AM, still no yeast activity. 😛
  • 12 hours, small yeast layer has formed in both fermenters.
  • 24 hours, both fermenters have large krausens and frequent airlock activity. The M36 seems to be a bit further along than the Nottingham fermenter.
  • 4 days, both krausens have dropped out and airlock activity is about 1 bubble every few minutes.
  • 2 weeks, bottled the Mangrove Jack’s M36 batch. The warm and flat samples taste good, but need time to mature.
  • 5 weeks, bottled the Nottingham batch. The samples, warm and flat, seem smoother than the initial impressions of the Mangrove Jack’s M36 batch. At this point, I’m not sure if it is due to the yeast or having an additional three weeks to mature in the primary.