Caray’s Celebration Pale Ale

Grain Bill / Fermentables

  • 7 lbs Epiphany 2-Row
  • 2 lbs Epiphany Munich
  • 1 lb Epiphany Triticale


  • 1 oz Cluster (7% AA)
  • 2 oz Willamette (4% AA)


  • Lallemand West Coast Ale Yeast BRY-97


  • OG 1.050
  • FG 1.014
  • ABV 4.73
  • IBU 40

Brew Day

Heat 6 gallons of water to 163°.

Gently dough in grains until all grain is covered by water.

Mash grains at 150° for 1 hour.

Remove “grain bag” and allow grains to drain.

Rinse grains using a colander, squeeze and get every last drop of wort potential.

Bring wort to a boil.

Add 1 oz Cluster hops and continue for 40 minutes.

Add 1 oz Willamette hops and continue boil for another 15 minutes. Rehydrate yeast.

Add 1 oz Willamette hops and continue boil for 5 minutes.

Remove from heat source and drop wort temperature to 68° and take OG reading.

Sufficiently aerate and transfer to primary fermenter.

Pitch yeast into fermenter.

Allow beer 2~3 weeks in the primary to adequately ferment and cleanup any diacetyl produced during fermentation.

Bottle and wait another 2 weeks…



  • Atlantic Brew Supply’s “Caray’s Celebration Pale Ale”
  • February 4th, Brew Day
  • No activity after 12 hours.  Fermentation room is 65°.
  • Surface haze after 24 hours.
    • BRY-97 is a notoriously slow starter.
  • 1/4~1/2 inch krausen after 36 hours, minor airlock activity.
  • 44 hours, steady stream of bubbles in airlock.
  • Day 4, 1/2 inch krausen and 1 bubble every 55 seconds. Fermentation room is 66°.
  • Day 5, krausen is beginning to drop. Raising temperature to 70° promote diacetyl cleanup.
  • Day 7, krausen has mostly dropped leaving only a layer of clear soap-like bubbles. Temperature remains at 69°~71° with the occasional airlock bubble. Removed the fermenter from the brew pot heat sink.