I want to make a gose. 🙂
Grain Bill / Fermentables
- 4 lbs Pilsner Malt
- 4 lbs Red Wheat
- 1 oz Hallertau (3.8% AA)
- Nottingham (yeast cake from Space Ghost)
- 0.5oz Pink Himalayan Salt
- Citric Acid
- Goodbelly – Pomegranate Blackberry
- 2.62 lbs Fresh Blackberries
- 2.06 lbs Fresh Pomegranate
Target Stats
Final Stats
- Gallons
- OG 1.039
- FG 1.004
- ABV 4.59%
- Efficiency 77%
Prior to Brew Day
Collect water to allow chlorine to dissipate.
Brew Day (2018-11-16)
Heat 6.5 gallons of water to 154°. (Unfiltered Dover City water with chlorine removed.)
Gently dough in grains until all grain is covered by water. Add citric acid and stabilize pH at 5.2
Mash grains at 148° for 1 hour.
Remove “grain bag“, rinse, squeeze and allow grains to drain.
Bring wort to a boil for 10 minutes.
Reduce wort temperature to 80° and take gravity reading.
Transfer to keg flushed with carbon dioxide, add enough citric acid to drop pH to 4.5 and add Goodbelly. Store at 80~90° for 1~2 days.
Over the next two days periodically check pH and sample the wort. It will be slightly sour, but the unconsumed sugars can be deceiving and may lead you to believe it is not tart enough, which is why it is generally best to trust your pH meter.
24~48 hours later, transfer to kettle and bring to a boil for 15 minutes and add 1oz Hallertau and salt. This will kill the lactobacillus plantarum 299v and prevent other potential infections. Overall the IBUs on this are extremely low, but high enough to prevent further l. plantarum growth.
Cool wort, rehydrate yeast and pitch. The low ph of the wort will slow the yeast growth leading to longer than normal lag times.
After primary fermentation has completed add fruit to primary fermenter and wait 3~4 weeks.
- November 16, 2018 – Brew Day
- Adjusted pH to 4.7, from 6.0, using 1/2 tsp of citric acid.
- Transferred 5 gallons to a keg at 95° and added 30oz Blackberry Pomegranate Goodbelly.
- I would use less water for the mash if I were to brew this again.
- Added 1/4 tsp citric acid to ensure pH was low enough to ward off any unwanted bacteria and improve final beer head retention.
- Set fermentation room to 85°, waiting…
- 16 hours, pH is 3.89 and tastes a bit like a sweetened yogurt.
- Prepared fruit by sanitizing with Starsan, placed into sanitized doubled Ziplock bags and froze.
- 2.62 lbs fresh blackberries
- 2.06 lbs fresh pomegranate
- Prepared fruit by sanitizing with Starsan, placed into sanitized doubled Ziplock bags and froze.
- 28 hours, pH dropped to 3.47 and gravity is at 1.035. Boiled for 15 minutes to kill off any remaining lactobacillus plantarum 299v and added 0.5 oz pink Himalayan salt and 1oz of Hallertau. It smells like vomit. Mmmm… (Seriously, my family complained.)
- 52 hours (24 hours after pitching yeast), a small krausen has appeared.
- 64 hours, larger and perfectly white krausen. Gravity is at 1.024
- 79 hours, gravity is at 1.013 and yeast rafts have appeared.
- 90 hours, gravity is at 1.006 and krausen has started dropping out.
- 102 hours, gravity is at 1.004.
- 5 days, gravity is still at 1.004. Added fruit.