Panhaas IPA

Don’t make this recipe as-is. This page remains as an example of what not to do.

Inspired by Terrapin’s HI-5’s hop profile.

Goal: An IPA that finishes nicely bitter, with a good hop nose and dark copper color.
Result: A dark, malty beer that didn’t quite hit the target gravity.  I would make it again, but go all grain or add the LME later in the boil, double the hops and pitch more yeast.

Grain Bill / Fermentables

  • 5 Lbs American 2 Row
  • 8 oz Crystal 10
  • 8 oz Crystal 60
  • 8 oz Munich
  • 4 oz Amber
  • 9 lbs LME (or an additional 12.25 Lbs American 2 Row for an all grain version.)


  • 2 oz Zythos
  • 1 oz Centennial
  • 1 oz Amarillo
  • 1 oz Citra
  • 1 oz Simcoe


  • White Labs WLP001 California Ale Yeast


  • OG 1.088
  • FG 1.020
  • ABV 8.93%

I highly recommend making a starter for this brew.

Brew Day

Mash grains at 152° for 1 hour with 1 oz Zythos hops.

Remove “grain bag” and allow grains to drain.

Add 1 oz Zythos hops and bring wort to a boil.

Once your wort is boiling, add 1 oz Centennial hops and LME.

Continue boil for 30 minutes.

Add 0.25 oz Amarillo, 0.25 oz Citra, 0.25 oz Simcoe hops.

Continue boil for 15 minutes.

Add 0.25 oz Amarillo, 0.25 oz Citra, 0.25 oz Simcoe hops.

Continue boil for 15 minutes.

Remove from heat source and drop wort temperature to 170° and add 0.25 oz Amarillo, 0.25 oz Citra, 0.25 oz Simcoe hops.

Continue hop stand for 30 minutes.

Reduce wort temperature to 70°, be sure to sufficiently aerate and transfer to primary fermenter.

Pitch yeast.

Allow beer 2 weeks in the primary fermenter to adequately ferment and cleanup any diacetyl produced during fermentation.

In a secondary fermenter, add 0.25 oz Amarillo, 0.25 oz Citra, 0.25 oz Simcoe hops and transfer.

Allow 1 week for the dry hop.

Bottle and wait another 2 weeks…




  • Adding the LME later in the boil would improve the color.
  • The amount of malts requires at least 2x the hops.
  • Fermened too hot producing a lot of fusel alcohol.
  • This beer is murder to drink.