Grain Bill / Fermentables
- 14 Lbs Swaen Pilsner
- 1 oz Cascade (8.6 AA)
- 5 oz Cascade (8.4 AA)
- Mangrove Jack’s M36 Liberty Bell Ale (Using yeast cake from Mexican Ale)
- OG 1.070
- FG 1.010
- ABV 7.88%
- IBU 75
Brew Day
Heat 6 gallons of water to 160°. (4 gallons filtered Dover city water and 2 gallons of distilled water to reduce sulfates.)
Gently dough in grains until all grain is covered by water.
Mash grains at 150° for 1 hour.
Remove “grain bag” and allow grains to drain.
Rinse grains using a colander and get every last drop of wort potential.
Bring wort to a boil, add 1 oz Cascade (8.6AA) hops and continue boil for 60 minutes.
Add 1 oz Cascade hops. and continue boil for another 20 minutes.
Add 1 oz Cascade hops and continue boil for 10 minutes. (This is a good time to drop in the wort chiller.)
Remove from heat source and drop wort temperature to 160°.
Add 1 oz Cascade hops and continue hop stand for 1 hour.
Reduce wort temperature to 68° and take OG reading.
Sufficiently aerate and transfer to primary fermenter.
Pitch directly onto existing yeast cake.
Allow beer 2~3 weeks in the primary to adequately ferment and cleanup any diacetyl produced during fermentation.
Transfer to secondary for 1 week adding 2oz Cascade for dry hop.
Bottle and wait another 2 weeks…
- April 23, Brew Day
- Adjusted mash pH to 5.3 using 1/4 tsp citric acid.
- 1″ krausen after 15 hours. Ambient room temperature is 63°. Carboy was cooled to 58° overnight using ice bath, slowing the start.
- 1 bubble per second in the airlock after 24 hours and light brown islands are forming on the otherwise perfectly white krausen.
- Krausen is beginning to drop out after 48 hours. Airlock is still bubbling once per second.
- Allowed the carboy to reach room temperature (~65°) at 60 hours.
- Krausen has completely dropped out at 72 hours, but air lock is still very active with one bubble per second.
- 96 hours and airlock is still seeing 1 bubble every 1.5 seconds.
- Day 6, removed carboy from brew kettle heat sink, still seeing 7 bubble per minute in the airlock.
- Day 8, still seeing 3 bubbles per minute in the airlock and yeast is starting to drop out.
- Somewhere between day 8 & 17 all airlock activity has ceased.
- Day 17, added 1/2 tsp gelatin finings diluted in 2 cups of boiled water.
- Transferred to secondary and began dry hop at 3 weeks.
- Bottled at week 4, drops taste like cascade hop candy, however a shot of the flat beer had a strong alcohol taste.
- After 2~3 weeks bottle conditioning and carbonating there is no residual hot alcohol taste and it is a very good brew.
- Still delicious at 6 weeks.
- The only change I would make to this recipe would be mash a degree or two warmer to make a less fermentable wort. It is delicious and is easy to drink, which could be bad at 7.88% ABV.