Fun with cranberry juice
- 2.5 Liters Cranberry Juice
- 1 lb Honey
- Safale 05 (I won’t use this in beer and had it in the freezer.)
- 1 & 3/8 tsp Pickling Lime (to raise pH)
Target Stats
- 2.5 Liters
- OG 1.095
- FG 1.005
- ABV 11.81%
Brew Day
Bring juice temperature to 175° and add honey.
Reduce temperature to 68° and take OG reading.
Add packet (way too much) Safale 05.
- 2017-12-26, Brew Day
- Adjusted pH to 4.65 using 1 & 3/8 tsp pickling lime. I was shooting for a pH of 4 and would use less next time because much of the tartness was removed due to the higher pH.
- Pitched yeast when juice was still 80° and moved into fermentation chamber where the temperature was 67°.
- Signs of fermentation, bubbles in the the airlock, visible within an hour.
- Full krausen, nearly large enough to begin filling the airlock after 3 hours.
- Krausen had completely dropped out after 8 hours.
- 48 hours, there is still a steady stream of bubbles in the airlock.
- 2018-01-26 all airlock activity has ceased and final gravity is at 1.010, which is lower than expected.
- 2018-02-18 bottled and took final gravity reading at 1.005. Taste has significantly improved since last sample in January.
- 2018-03-17 bottles have carbonated, no hot alcohol taste is present and others have agreed that it is quite tasty. I would gladly make this again.