It was so good the first time, it had to be done again
Grain Bill / Fermentables
- 14 lbs 2 Row Pale Malt
- 1 lb Carapils
- 0.5 lb Crystal 10
- 0.5 lb Crystal 20
- 2 oz Chinook (10.5 AAU)
- 4 oz Amarillo (7.7 AAU)
- 3 oz Citra (13.3 AAU)
- Nottingham (2 packets)
- Whirlfloc Tablet
Target Stats
Final Stats
- 6.5 Gallons
- OG 1.073 (1.062 Tilt)
- FG 1.014 (1.011 Tilt)
- ABV ~6.30% (The initial hydrometer reading was too high due to a lack of wort in the brew kettle during the initial reading. The Tilt’s final reading was too low, due to krausen remnants weighing it down slightly.)
- Efficiency 81%
Prior to Brew Day
Collect water to allow chlorine to dissipate.
Brew Day (2018-11-04)
Heat 9.5 gallons of water to 160°. (Unfiltered Dover City water with chlorine removed.)
Gently dough in grains until all grain is covered by water. Add 1/2 tsp gypsum and 1/4 tsp epsom salts and stabilize pH at ~5.2
Mash grains at 152° for 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Remove “grain bag“, rinse, squeeze and allow grains to drain.
Bring wort to a boil.
Once wort is boiling, add 1 oz Chinook hops and continue for 45 minutes.
Add 1 oz Chinook hops and continue boil for another 10 minutes.
Add whirlfloc, yeast nutrient, 1 oz Amarillo, 1 oz Citra hops and continue boil for 4 minutes.
Add 1 oz Amarillo, 1 oz Citra hops and continue boil for last 1 minute. (This is a good time to drop in the wort chiller.)
Reduce wort temperature to 170° and add 1 oz Amarillo.
Reduce wort temperature to 68° and take OG reading.
Sufficiently aerate and transfer to primary fermenter.
Pitch rehydrated yeast into fermenter.
Allow beer 1~2 weeks in the primary to adequately ferment and cleanup any diacetyl produced during fermentation.
Dry hop with 1 oz Amarillo, 1 oz Citra for 1 week.
Bottle and wait another 2 weeks or keg and carb.
- November 4, 2018 Brew Day
- The hydrometer reading may be off due to hitting the bottom of the brew kettle. The (recently calibrated) Tilt is likely the more reliable reading this time around.
- 50% of the final ounce of Amarillo hops were added at flame out and the other 50% were added at 170°. 😉
- Tossed the last 1/2 gallon of wort and hop muck into a growler with a packet of Red Star Champagne yeast… for science. It was bubbling within 7 hours.
- Rebrew of the original Space Ghost:
- 18 h Nothing! Fermentation chamber was too cold at 48°. Set Inkbird to 51° to raise the temperature.
- 36h Finally! Large krausen, 1.055 gravity and internal carboy temperature was 52°.
- 4 days, gravity was 1.033
- 9 days, transferred carboy to a room with a 67° ambient temperature and dry hopped. Hydrometer is reading 1.014 and Tilt reads 1.011, possibly due to being covered with krausen remnants.
- 13 days, kegged and set to 40 PSI.
- 14 days, tried initial sample which was a bit flat, had a significant bite and a slightly muddled Citra taste. The bite will subside once the CO2 settles in a bit more and I’m hoping the hops brighten with time.