Rye IPA Parti-Gyle Derived from a Rye Pale Ale Leftovers
Grain Bill / Fermentables
- 1 lb Pale 2-Row
- Second Runnings From:
- 8 lbs Pale 2-Row
- 5.5 lbs Munich
- 5.5 lbs Victory
- 2.5 lbs Malted Rye
- 2 lb Honey Malt
- 1 oz Magnum (12.8 AA)
- 2 oz Centennial (8.7 AA)
- 2 oz Cascade (6.3 AA)
- Mangrove Jack’s M36 Liberty Bell Ale
- OG 1.044
- FG 1.011
- ABV 4.33%
- IBU 91.65
- SRM 21.42
Brew Day
Heat 6 gallons of water to 155°. The grains will already be warm.
Transfer grains to cooler and dough in additional 1lb 2row and 1/4 tsp of gypsum. Adjust mash pH as necessary with citric acid.
Mash grains at 150° for 1 hour or as long as it takes to brew primary beer.
Remove “grain bag” and allow grains to drain.
Bring wort to a boil and add 1 oz Magnum hops and continue boil for 30 minutes.
Add 2 oz Centennial hops and continue boil for 10 minutes.
Add 2 oz Cascade hops and continue boil for 5 minutes.
Remove from heat source and reduce wort temperature to 68° and take OG reading.
Sufficiently aerate and transfer to primary fermenter.
Pitch yeast.
Allow beer 2~3 weeks in the primary to adequately ferment and cleanup any diacetyl produced during fermentation.
Bottle and wait another 2 weeks…
- November 25, 2017 Brew Day
- Added 1/4 tsp citric acid in addition to the gypsum called for in the recipe to achieve 5.2 pH.
- This was fermented in an opaque bucket, so they’re aren’t many details.
- Fermentation chamber temperature was 68°, and raised to 70° at day 12.
- Day 14, took final gravity reading.
- 2017-12-09 – Bottled and added table sugar for 5 gallons at 2.5 vols. I had nearly 6 gallons after transferring and accepted that this batch would be slightly under carbonated.
- 2017-12-29 – Final product is under carbonated as expected. I would aim for 2.5~2.7 vols if repeating this. Because this was a parti-gyle batch I was guessing at the amount of hops needed and greatly overshot the estimates. It has a nice light copper color, but is overly bitter. If I were to retry this, I would increase the late addition hops or dry hop and reduce the Magnum hops by 50% to reduce the overall bitterness.