Grain Bill / Fermentables
- 7 lbs 2 Row Pale Malt
- 0.5 lb Carapils
- 0.25 lb Crystal 10
- 0.25 lb Crystal 20
Hops (Fresh Picked)
- Cascade 3.80 lbs
- Magnum 1.14 lbs
- Nottingham
- Whirlfloc Tablet
- 1/2 tsp gypsum
- 1/4 tsp epsom salts
- 1/4 tsp citric acid
Target Stats
Final Stats
- 5 Gallons
- OG 1.031 (Tilt)
- FG 0.006 (Tilt)
- ABV 3.28%
Brew Day
Heat 9 gallons of water to 156°. (Unfiltered Dover City water with chlorine removed.)
Gently dough in grains until all grain is covered by water. Add 1/2 tsp gypsum and 1/4 tsp epsom salts and stabilize pH at 5.2
Mash grains at 152° for 1 hour.
Remove “grain bag“, rinse, squeeze and allow grains to drain.
Bring wort to a boil.
Once wort is boiling, add Magnum hops and continue for 45 minutes.
Add 0.45 lbs Cascade hops and continue boil for another 10 minutes.
Add whirlfloc, yeast nutrient, 0.45 lbs Cascade hops and continue boil for 4 minutes.
Add 0.93 lbs Cascade hops and continue boil for last 1 minute. (This is a good time to drop in the wort chiller.)
Reduce wort temperature to 170° and add 1 lb oz Cascade.
Reduce wort temperature to 68° and take OG reading.
Sufficiently aerate and transfer to primary fermenter.
Pitch rehydrated yeast into fermenter.
Allow beer 1~2 weeks in the primary to adequately ferment and cleanup any diacetyl produced during fermentation.
Dry hop with 3.5 oz dried Cascade for 1 week. The hops were not completely dry when I froze them. Once I opened the vacuum sealed bag, they smelled mealy. Did not use. :/
Bottle and wait another 2 weeks or keg and carb.
- 2020-08-12 – Brew Day
- Tilt Readings
- 2020-08-12 – 0.031 @ 61°
- 2020-08-14 – 0.025 @ 54°
- 2020-08-15 – 0.019 @ 55°
- 2020-08-16 – 0.006 @ 68°
- 2020-08-19 – 0.006 @ 68°
- Tilt Readings