Grain Bill / Fermentables
- 6 lbs Pilsner
- 4 lbs Wheat
- 8 oz Flaked Wheat
- 8 oz Flaked Oats
- 1 oz Hallertau (3.8% AA)
- White Labs WLP300 German Hefeweizen
- OG 1.042
- FG 1.010
- ABV 4.20%
- IBU 21
Brew Day
Heat 5 gallons of water to 163°. (All filtered Dover city water.)
Gently dough in grains until all grain is covered by water.
Mash grains at 152° for 1 hour.
Remove “grain bag” and allow grains to drain.
Rinse grains using a colander and get every last drop of wort potential.
Bring wort to a boil, add 1 oz Hallertau hops and continue boil for 60 minutes.
Reduce wort temperature to 68° and take OG reading.
Sufficiently aerate and transfer to primary fermenter and pitch yeast starter.
Allow beer 2~3 weeks in the primary to adequately ferment and cleanup any diacetyl produced during fermentation.
Bottle and wait another 1~2 weeks…
- June 18th, Brew Day
- Adjusted mash pH to 5.4 using 1/4 tsp citric acid.
- Did not get the boil-off expected and had 5.5~6 gallons of wort and a lower OG than anticipated.
- Beer is fermenting quite hot with the water bath registering ~75 degrees as the initial fermentation started. Ambient room temperature is 65~70 degrees.
- WLP300 has been an aggressive fermenter for me in the past, blowing through several airlocks, when I first made this recipe as an extract. At that time I did not take temperature measurements, however the banana character was very strong, so it was likely also a very warm fermentation.
- After six weeks in the bottle this is a decent brew. Wheat beers seem to take a lot longer to bottle condition that many other styles.